在Victoria Station行李寄存点寄存您的行李
A ramp for suitcase accessibility in case bags are heavy
The attendant was polite & professional, even though I couldn't find my confirmation email and I was frustrated.
Didn't know I needed to take photo before leaving luggage
There could be additional safety measures, as the only one right now is a photo of a suitcase, as well as we are to leave it on the shop floor rather than being taken away immediately. It still was safe enough for us to use it twice, and everything else is great, just maybe an idea
Victoria Station Luggage Storage是做什么的?
Victoria Station Luggage Storage是一种行李寄存服务,在Victoria Station附近提供安全便捷的行李寄存。
我在哪里可以找到Victoria Station Luggage Storage?
您可以在9 Belgrave Rd, London SW1V 1QB, United Kingdom找到我们。
当然!我们会在预订时向您发送一封确认邮件,并期待在您选择的寄存日期迎接您的到来。请记住,一年中的某些时候(例如周末或法定假日),我们可能会遇到较大的预订量。提前预订可以帮助您避免错过Victoria Station Luggage Storage便捷的行李寄存点。
我是在网上预订Victoria Station Luggage Storage的行李寄存点吗?还是可以在店内付款?
您必须在线预订。在Victoria Station Luggage Storage,我们的行李寄存点不接受现金或刷卡支付。
我可以用Victoria Station Luggage Storage寄存什么物品?
我可以用Victoria Station Luggage Storage寄存我的箱包多长时间?
只要您喜欢!Victoria Station Luggage Storage很自豪能提供短期和长期的行李寄存服务。只需在预订时确定寄存和提取日期,满足您的需求便可。
我如何通过Victoria Station Luggage Storage在线预订?
预订我们的行李寄存服务非常简单。您只需选择日期和时间并进行付款即可。我们会给您发送确认邮件。期待在Victoria Station Luggage Storage行李寄存点见到您!
计划赶不上变化,我们清楚这一点!因此,只要在我们的营业时间内,您可以随时取走行李。我们灵活的行李寄存设施是让您探索Victoria Station的完美方式,无需担心行李。
Victoria Station Luggage Storage就是行李寄存柜吗?
Victoria Station Luggage Storage是一种行李寄存服务,比传统的行李寄存柜更加方便。不需要将您的物品塞进繁忙区域的小寄存柜内,我们的工作人员会将您的物品寄存在私密安全的区域,让您尽可以放心畅游Victoria Station。
Victoria Station Luggage Storage提供保险保障金吗?
万一发生失窃、遗失或损坏,您的物品最高可获赔US$10,000,详情请登录Victoria Station Luggage Storage。所有预订必须在网上进行,才包含保障计划。